The Question of Monuments
Hillside AVID students in Mr. Finnegan’s 4th period American History class conducted a Socratic seminar on May 14. The topic was whether...

Mural Design Contest Deadline is Today
Photo: Ceiling Art in the Hillside lobby. Have you seen it? Hillside is having an art contest; the deadline is today. School leaders...

How Some Hornets Do Easter
Easter is a very important and old festival celebrated by the Christian church . Easter day is the day Jesus was resurrected. Kids and...

What is Art to You?
Hillside student artwork Top image: Aspect of Surrealism by Senior Jokobe Kimmons Middle: Seven Deadly Sins by Senior Rene Chavez Bottom:...

Lunch News
Pictured: Paul Johnson, Hillside High School Cafeteria Manager. Photo by Emily Gonzalez. The Durham Bowls competition is an initiative...

SWARMing to Pronouns
As human beings we all want to feel and be respected without having to demand it. To respect someone you exhibit care, concern, or...

Day of Silence This Friday
Many Hornets will be participating in the National Day of Silence this Friday, April 12th. The National Day of Silence marks the annual...

Hornet Anatomy Class
Junior Lauren Davis was in her second period, anatomy and physiology. They are currently studying the Integumentary system. Junior...

Before the 1st Period Bell
Sophomore Caelin Edwards waits for his 1st period Combination Sports class to start. They are playing speedball today. Sophomore Ana...

#MeToo at Hillside The women of today’s society face many challenges due to their gender. Along with unequal pay, job discrimination, and...