What is Art to You?

Hillside student artwork
Top image: Aspect of Surrealism by Senior Jokobe Kimmons
Middle: Seven Deadly Sins by Senior Rene Chavez
Bottom: Self-portrait by Junior Victor Davila

Hillside’s art teacher, Pierre Jerome , swarms everyday to make sure his class understands the basics of art and helps guide them in the art making process. Jerome defines art as something with great value and you’re able to find your own meaning. “Art has purpose. When you look at it you are able to interact with the piece. Also with are there are no rules, but you must still learn the very basics of art”
Jerome is very good at what he does. So why not go pro and make it big ? “working on art for a living isn’t a good marriage. It is extremely time consuming and so I would never get anything done. So teaching art was a way for me to still make money while remaining in the environment and passing on the knowledge.”
They learn the primary principles in beginners art class. Jerome says this is a very tough course because they have to learn so many things all at once. “Beginners is most difficult. Students must learn skill and technique, master presentation of media, learn how to draw, learn how to look and eye key details, and most importantly think like an artist.”
When students pass this course they go to intermediate art. Like beginners this class is a little tough but students are more understanding and aware of the concept. “In intermediate students are learning some of the same material but are introduced to new units as well. They begin working on projects in this course. The learn to compose conceptual art, students are better able to navigate their ideas, and lay out composition.”
After intermediate then comes proficient, which Jerome says are pretty much the same just a little more in depth. “Proficient isn’t too much different but students do experiment with new types of media, they learn and master the use of watercolor, and learn printmaking.”
Lastly, there's advanced art and during this course students become more individualistic. “In advanced classes they are much more independent and work on perfecting their skill with everything they’ve been taught.”
Hopefully more Hillside students take interest in art and that they find themselves lost in it.