Yea, People Wanted to Pie A Teacher!
On Friday May 31, at our first and second lunch, Hillside had another one of its hilarious pie face events. Students paid from $1-2...

Let’s Build Each Other Up, Not Tear Each Other Down
When Freshmen make that crossover from middle school to high school, they have many thoughts running rapidly. Once they finally walk into...

A Quick Visit From Petty Officer Ford
Today Petty Officer Aaron Ford came to our class to give us some knowledge on the Navy and the perks and benefits that come behind it....

It's So Much Fun Not Knowing Where You're Going
Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Navy Recruiting District Raleigh Navy Recruiter Aaron Ford came to Ms. Mondry’s first period Journalism class. The...
Trump's Immigration Proposal
On Thursday afternoon, May 16, at the Rose Garden, President Donald Trump announced his immigration plan. The measure calls for...
Robocalls are pre-recorded phone calls with pre-recorded messages. In 2018, more than 47.8 million robocalls were made in the U.S. Its...
Exceptional We Are!
Some people don’t know how to accept Hillside as a predominantly black high school. Outsiders might not be able to see the love, peace,...

Inclusive Prom Sparks Joy
Pictured: Junior Brian Harrison celebrates with Inclusive Prom guests. The inclusive prom took place on Friday, May 10 here at Hillside...

Yoga in the Media Center
Here at Hillside, yoga and relaxation strategies were offered as part of Mental Health Month in the media center during lunch this week. ...