Mural Design Contest Deadline is Today

Photo: Ceiling Art in the Hillside lobby. Have you seen it?
Hillside is having an art contest; the deadline is today. School leaders are looking to find a student artist to design a mural in honor of Pauli Murray.
According to the Pauli Murray Project website, she was an activist and resident in Durham. Murray is still remembered in today's society as being a historian , attorney, poet, teacher, and episcopal priest. She used her platform to speak against injustices.
This mural is significant because Murray went to Hillside and made great impacts later in life. “Well we decided to paint Pauli Murray because she graduated right here at hillside and did so many things society thought women couldn’t do” Said Caroline Herbert, media coordinator .
Murray empowered women all over and spoke out against injustices. “Murray just broke so many barriers as a woman, I mean she went to law school, people thought women weren’t smart enough for things like that.” Herbert asserted.
We hope that whoever wins this contest really puts great effort and time in trying to incorporate Murray and all the wonderful things she’s done, especially while being a women.