Igniting Passions for Science

After school on Friday, February 22, HIllside’s chemistry teacher, Ms. Christine Amihere, held a science lab in her class room. The objective of the activity was to turn flames into different colors using various elements.
Four Duke University students worked with 6 Hillside students at the fun after school activity. The Duke students were able to further enhance the experiment and make it even more gratifying, by further giving background on the elements used and showing what could be mixed together.
The Duke students were studying biochemistry and other sciences. Duke University sophomore Bing Ho said that he wants to work with Hillside students to encourage them to explore their passions for science. Ho also said he wants to be a heart surgeon, and he is an expert on molecular orbital theory.
Another Duke student, Sophomore Simon Ma, is also interested in pursuing medicine. Why did he come to Hillside to work with students? He said he wanted to help make science relevant to all kids' lives, even if they don't want to do it when they get older. "Science is the basis for all medicine," Ma said.
The experiment was exciting. Not only were the colors of the flames changed, the experiment also included making thrilling designs on a table and setting them on fire!
Hillside Sophomore Amiyah Witherspoon, who currently takes chemistry, really enjoyed the lab. “It was a lot of fun and I would definitely attend the next lab activity because I also really enjoy learning new things.” She exclaimed.
Witherspoon believes Ms. Amihere has really helped her make her science interest and career goals skyrocket. “Ms.A inspires me to want to be a doctor and work in many laboratories one day.”
We look forward to Ms.Amihere’s next activity!