When athletes take a knee, it is a sign of veneration and it expresses devotion to something transcendent. Athletes are taking a knee during the National Anthem as a sign of protest. The fate of the world is in the hands of violent, neglectful people and athletes feel like they need to do something to stop all the violence, discrimination, and downright neglect. Taking a knee during the national anthem is now a trend and many people are taking a part in it.

(Pictured: Colin Kaepernick)
Colin Kaepernick coined the action "Taking a Knee". Kaepernick is the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem to protest police violence against African-Americans and to express his pain and distress. As he was taking a knee, he was booed by too many people in the stands. Colin Kaepernick's collusion grievance against the NFL is already starting to move forward. Trump has had a lot to say to NFL players who are taking a knee, but they aren’t letting his derogatory comments stop them. Kaepernick was only the beginning; more and more people are joining the movement.
13 players from the Baltimore Ravens took a knee during the National Anthem. These players specified that taking a knee was a response to President Donald Trump’s criticism of NFL players who previously protested. John Harbaugh, the coach of the Baltimore Ravens, said he had no problem with his players taking a knee. However, he claimed he isn’t going to take a knee because he only takes a knee "when praying for our country to come together." The team ended up losing the game that they took a knee at. The Ravens fans were mad and threatened to not attend future games and to even burn jerseys.
The stories mentioned above are only a few. This is only the beginning because so many other people are going to start taking a knee as well. It is going to be very interesting to see how Donald Trump will react to the protest that players (as well as the fans) are still doing. Everyone should be able to stand up for their rights and express how they feel. It says so in the constitution, and if Donald Trump dare try to take away the constitutional rights of the people, then he will have one monster of a storm headed his way. http://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/knee-means-article-1.3543740

Interview with Coach Howell When talking with Coach Howell about Trump telling players not to kneel for the National Anthem, Howell said, "I think it’s everyone’s first amendment right to do what they want to do!" He then emphasized "that is why we live in America and everyone has the right to do what they want to do." We also asked if he would change the rule to only stand for the National Anthem if he were the NFL’s commissioner. He answered “No I wouldn’t. It’s your first amendment right; you have the right to justice, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,"

Interview with Coach Turner When asked about his feelings about Trump telling players not to kneel for the National Anthem, Turner stated, “I feel that it’s his place to speak his opinion, however it doesn’t mean he’s right or that we have to agree with what he has to say." We also asked if he would change the rule to only stand for the National Anthem if he were the NFL’s commissioner. He responded, “No, I wouldn't change the rules because we all have rights as individuals, which is what makes our country great.” Finally, we asked Turner if players should be fired for not standing for the National Anthem. He said, “No. the players shouldn't be fired because they take practice in other activities that they should be fired for, but aren't. So I believe that something as simple as kneeling isn't worth getting fired over.”