Social Media: The Smart Way
Social Media are computer mediated tools that allow people,companies, and other organizations the ability to connect,share, and or exchange information. To teenagers social media is Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and more. An important part of social media is to understand the uses of this generator. As well as social media allowing you to have fun, keep in contact with people, and even get jobs. However, it can also slander your character, bring stress into your life, and make you look stupid. I took it upon myself to interview a Hillside High School Senior, who didn't understand the negative uses of social media and was cyber bullied because of it.
The very popular Senior, who was a Sophomore at the time of the incident, explained, "I had no drama, a lot of friends, and my teachers loved me. I would've never guessed that this would've happened!" Well, she didn’t know that there is a saying that goes to always expect the unexpected.
This student confided in another student whom was her boyfriend, at the time, when she sent him an inappropriate picture in hopes of it just being in his possession. Another student, then posted that picture on Instagram with her name in the caption. The student states, "I never knew that this would be the last time walking into Hillside as a regular person. I never thought it would only take two hours for every social media to have it, and for people to have it in their phones!" As the next day arrived, the student returned to school waiting to approach all of the slander. "All I heard all day was stupid, nasty, anything you could think of. As much as I tried I couldn't put a stop to my tears," she declared. The student explains that if she was aware of the bad effects of social media and knew that this would've changed her life forever, she would not have done it.
Based on the answers I received from this student, I became aware of the knowledge that teens don’t have on social media. Therefore, I encourage Hillside students, and teenagers everywhere to educate yourselves and friends on the uses and effects of social media and how to be a smart social media maniac.